What does it mean to encourage?
Encouragement can be defined in many ways but we want to create a foundation.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, encouragement defined by the is defined as verb.
- To inspire with courage
- To inspire with spirit
- To inspire with hope
- To spur on
- To give help
Encouragement is also Biblical.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
Words Have Power
Words have power. We can encourage those around us in the ways of the Lord, encourage them in their gifting, and be a blessing to them through the words we use toward them. How we use words shows how we love those around us.
Don’t Forget to Smile
Also, don’t forget to smile! 😀 Bring JOY to them! 😊👏💛
How do you encourage those around you?